Kalau menikmati matahari terbit (sunrise) di Bali, Sanur tempatnya,maka bila ingin menikmati matahari terbenam (sunset) tentu Tanah Lot tempatnya. Tanah Lot means "Land in the Middle of the sea" in Balinese language (wikipedia). Lokasi Tanah Lot ini di Tabanan, sekitar 20km dari kota Denpasar. Saya rasa tidak perlu saya sertakan peta lagi yah, bisa memanfaatkan produk Google Earth / Google Map apabila ingin mencari lokasi Tanah Lot.
Yang membuat Tanah Lot ini unik dan menjadi salah satu tempat wisata di Bali yang patut dibanggakan adalah sejarahnya serta lokasinya yang mistik karena berada di tengah-tengah antara pantai dengan Laut. Sehingga apabila berkunjung ke Tanah Lot, cari waktu yang tepat agar bisa berjalan kaki disepanjang pantai dan melihat-lihat Pura (Temple) Tanah Lot.
Sejarah Tanah Lot? Saya juga tidak terlalu mengetahuinya, berikut History Tanah Lot apabila mencarinya di Wikipedia :
"Tanah Lot is claimed to be the work of the 15th century priest Nirartha. During his travels along the south coast he saw the rock-island's beautiful setting and rested there. Some fishermen saw him, and bought him gifts. Nirartha then spent the night on the little island. Later he spoke to the fishermen and told them to build a shrine on the rock for he felt it to be a holy place to worship the Balinese sea gods.[citation needed]"
"The Tanah Lot temple was built and has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples were established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast"
"At the base of the rocky island, poisonous sea snakes are believed to guard the temple from evil spirits and intruders. As well as one giant snake which also protects the temple, which was created from Nirartha’s scarf when he established the island"
Memang benar di depan Pura(temple) tsb ada sebuah goa(cave) didalamnya terdapat beberapa ular, ularnya kelihatan jinak tetapi tidak ada salahnya waspada. Sebelum pulang bisa membeli cenderamata atau kenang-kenangan dulu dan jangan lupa bawa kamera :)